Abnormal energy swirls. It floods this physical plane with a tangible, uneasy vibe that rests heavily upon the spirits of this realm.
Thoughts and feelings are commandeered. They are hijacked by entites whose influence seeps unwanted in spheres previously inaccessible.
Ethereal light shines brightly yet is hindered by a fog of contamination and chaos cloaking this orb.
Truly, we find ourselves wandering aimlessly, groping blindly in the ever growing dark; searching for humanity and locating only humans.
Armed only with our courage to exist, we shuffle along this life. Harming and healing, loving and judging, including and isolating, we try to find a way through this world to a place of belonging.
Disillusioned by the fantasy of control over others, we neglect self-discipline. We solidify a recurring process to search outside of ourselves for a validation only obtained by searching within.
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